For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son (John 3:16-18-NLT).
The most important message that we have is the message of salvation. I preached an evangelistic message in Dilla, Ethiopia on Saturday, January 30th. I mentioned to them that death makes all men brothers. We’re not ready to live until we’re ready to die!
These precious people of Ethiopia have a short life span. I think that the average lifespan of adult male there is around 38 years of age! Most of the crowd consists of young people. I was one of the oldest people there!
I spoke to them of the brevity of life and explained the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. As I shared about the judgment to come for those without Christ; of the heaven available to those who have sins forgiven through believing in the sacrifice of Christ; of the hell that awaits those who leave this life without faith in Jesus; of the responsibility that we all have to face our personal sin and its penalty; of the sureness of death in our future; of Jesus virgin birth which make Him the Divine Son of God; of His sinless life: of His facing temptation without sin; and of His willingly bearing our sin penalty by His death and resurrection. As I spoke, Holy Spirit began to bring his convicting power to the crowds that listened.
One lady came to the front of the crowd and prostrated herself before God in repentance for her personal sins. Others silently listened as the Holy Spirit began His gently yet firm tug on their conscience. I shared personal stories of near death experiences that I had before I came to faith in Jesus. I spoke of the hope we have of forgiveness for every sin we’ve committed against a Holy God of love and righteousness. I spoke of the grim and sobering reality of the lake of fire that awaits the rebellious and stubborn that refuse and reject God’s free offer of salvation through the blood of Christ.
When I gave the call to salvation, hundreds responded by raising their hands. Only God knows how many were in need of salvation, and how many had already come to a saving knowledge of the Son of God, and were just reaffirming their faith in Jesus’ blood to forgive and cleanse sin. As we prayed together in unison, they lifted their voices with gusto, confessing their sin, and confessing their faith in God’s virgin born Son to forgive their sin and grant them eternal life.
Let’s expect God to use us today in our personal mission field. Ask Jesus to give you a chance to share His love and forgiveness with someone today. He’s longing to bless others through you!
Powerful and right on time with my personal situation! God uses your words in a special way to pierce through my understanding!