Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Personal Thoughts About this Past Weekend

We had a great weekend at Victory Fellowship with Ron McIntosh. I think his teaching had a positive impact on us all, and I believe it opened the eyes of many who perhaps had been “stuck” and not pursuing to make thinks better in their lives.

His teachings on the “law of attraction,” which basically says you manifest on the outside only what you have on the inside, is really another slant on walking by faith. It’s Mark 11: 23-24 in a 21st century package. If you didn’t make it to the meetings, I encourage you to get the CD’s. The information is really good.

Ron is going to be working with me in the weeks to come as I seek to create a theme from our missions statement (In a later blog, I’ll talk about our missions statement in more detail). A theme is a way to state the missions statement without sounding preachy or without using words that are only understood by Christians. It enhances our ability to reach out.

It became obvious to me this weekend that though our missions statement is in broad daylight on our website, our printed material, and on the screens on Sundays, it registers on very few. It’s got to come out of my mouth often. So I’ll be making adjustments in that area.

Another area that I’ll be working on is on creating more opportunities for fellowship and discipleship. In the past we’ve had home groups. Now that our church is larger, we need a way to enable folk to feel more connected to others, and to be ministered to personally. Send me suggestions if you have them.

I’ll also be working in the weeks to come on more intense leadership training; helping those who lead to be the best that they can be.

I have an intense passion to help people grow spiritually. It’s in my DNA! Our missions statement reflects my heart; Becoming Disciples by the Spirit Through the Word. To take the religious terms out for clarification to non-Christians, I ‘m thinking of a theme statement which says: Taking the Limits Off Your Life. That’s really what burns in me. Give me your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. This is a timely blog for me. God has shown me a vision to reach out to all of Garner with our sign choir. He has shown me that we as a church and me as an individual need to be reaching out much more. I have been praying the prayer of Jabez and I believe God is getting ready to enlarge all our territories!!
